Tuesday 13 October 2009

Diary Entry Fourteen: Hey, who're you?

Ok, so 5 months isn't that bad is it? Sorry.

So... I'm not with Squee anymore... I stopped writing because I was so preoccupied with her. She has ITP. She wnet into hospital on the 21st May. All the time after that it all sort fo got mixd up and we were spending as much time together as we could... Obviously, a teen couple would spend all summer together anyway.

I was meant to be moving to Germany... I mentioned that... I didn't go in the end. My mum had to go, but I sayed here with my step-dad.

Squee and I split up in August. Two days before our A-level results were released.

It's been pretty shit ever since. I'm currently caught in a viscious circle of not having any money to do interesting stuff, but also feeling unfulfilled in life. It'll get better I'm sure.

'Til next time.
