Sunday 5 September 2010

Diary Entry Twenty-Six: Ill-Motivation Is Such A Chore

Hello stranger!

I won't lie to you; I've not really been busy, in fact I've had little to nothing to do. I've simply been bone idle and lazy. I'm not proud of it but what's done is done and I can't take that time back.

The trials and tribulations of the last few months are many, life has varied from day to day and karma has been biting at my ankles for over a month. The revelation that very few people read this blog, and most of those who do read it do so only to mock me, probably didn't help my self-esteem when it came to posting my musings for all the world to see. I got over it though, and now I'm back, driven as ever, ready to kick some bottoms.

I've got a lot of blogs coming, many that I didn't finish, but some of them are good.

People believe what they want to believe, the actions you take rest on your conscience only and you should never feel guilty for doing something you enjoy.
