Tuesday 31 March 2009

Diary Entry Two: Me, Myself and I

Well, here I am, as promised, writing about myself.
  • My name's Alex, I don't really like it, but it's what I was called so it would appear I'm stuck with it.
  • I live on an island in the UK, I'm not going to say which one, just know it's not the big nasty one.
  • I might be moving to Germany at the end of summer, I'm not fussed, I'll miss my friends and my girlfriend, but that's my how my life works really.
  • On the note of moving, I apologise if I seem blasé about it but I'm a forces brat in every sense of the word, I've moved so much I've lost count (upwards of 20 times) also been to 14 schools. But I'm comfortable in Germany as it's where I've spent the most time, I like to think of it as my home, as much as I love where I am now, there's something about Germany that makes me want to go back every time.
  • I work as a photographer. Myself and my friend D run a small business called Bright ***** Images (the middle word is blocked out otherwise you'd all know where I lived) and we're getting a good reputation on the Island. Maybe I'll put some photographs up sometime.
  • I completely forgot the basics. I'm seventeen, have been since July, I learned to drive but after three failed tests (two of which weren't my fault, might I add) I decided to take a break and go back to it around may.
  • I'm re-sitting my AS levels here after failing them the first time in BP College on the mainland, it's a long story and I'll probably write about it someday.
  • After I finish my A Levels I'm going to head to university. I'm not entirely sure where yet though, I'm looking at Marjon or QMU right now. But who knows, If I go back to Germany I may well end up at Aachen or somewhere. Anyway, wherever I go I'll be studying Speech and Language Therepy (or Pathology) so they should be fun times.
  • I have some pets: Three dogs: Sally, Isis and Dave; a snake: Fluffy; and a tortoise called Sir Archibald Kensington III. Love them all dearly and I'd be lost witout them.

That's about it really. See you guys later.



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