Tuesday 12 May 2009

Diary Entry Thirteen: It's been a while

Two weeks... You don't call! You don't write! I don't know...

Sorry I didn't write for a couple of weeks I've been uber bogged down with coursework and revision because THE EXAM SEASON HAS STARTED.

It makes me want to scream.

I feel kind of bad if I'm honest because my Media Studies coursework wnt down the sh*tter. Forgot to hand in almost all of the written work accompanying the production task but I'm not going to lose sleep over it, I already have an AS level in it so I'm guaranteed a place on the course next year.

I don't know if you've heard but, sadly, there was an incident at a school in Kent today when a heating duct collapsed and injure 14 students sitting an exam. It's a terrible accident and, thankfully, no-one was killed or is said to hav life-threatening injuries.
They were a bunch of year 9 (8th grade to all the yanks out there) students sitting their SAT exams. A level sociology exams were happening all over the country at the same time. Lucky it wasn't one of them.
Not that it's not as terrible, but SAT exams are easier to get around than A levels. You don't need SATs to get into university, know what I mean.

Being in love rocks doesn't it...

I was having serious heart burn problems a week back, but now they're all better because the doctor gave me some meds to get rid of it. They reckon it's probably stress induced, so I'm on the meds until after my exams.
On another medical note: I finally got rid of my retainer. Now I have a fixed one meaning I can suck my thumb again safe in the knowledge that my teeth are anchored down.

Mum's in Germany for an interview, so Phil and I are having man food: cottage pie, chips and beans. PROPERRRRRRR




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