Sunday 26 April 2009

Diary Entry Twelve: I F*****g Love Mash!

I just got back from S's.

You know what, screw it. I'm in love with her so she deserves to be known. S is called Squee, not her real name but it's what she's called.

So I just got back from Squee's. I wasn't expecting to spend today with her but it would appear that I did. I got a text earlier asking if I wante to join her on a quest to LIDL to buy Choco Softies (Mini Dickmans to anyone who's ever been to Germany). Anyway, I had to go and renew my Yound Person's Railcard but I told her I'd come over when I was done with that. So off to Ryde I went, then up to Squee's I went.

As per usual we kissed, hugged, all the wonderful couply stuff we should, then off to LIDL we went. We bought: Choco Softies, German peanut M&Ms, a lasagne, some mints for Minnie Moose and some Chewits.

On our way out we got a call from D, S and A. They wanted us to hang with them. We went home - I say home, I count Squee's house as my second home - ate the lasagne in front of Cartoon Network and then headed to play mini golf with the guys. We got to town, called them to ask why they weren't there and realised we were in the wrong town. Ten minutes drive later we were in the right place.

We played golf, flirted, I lost miserably; blatently bcause I wanted Squee to do better than me - OK, I'll admit I'm crap.

The rest of the day is history really and doesn't matter too much, we were together, two fated teenagers, in love, sharing dreams and plans. We named our kids... Eli Edward and Molly Mae.

I can't wait to spend forever with this girl.



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