Sunday 21 February 2010

Diary Entry Sixteen: Remembering The Past

You know when someone you used to know well pops back into your life? No? Well it happened earlier today. There I was organising my accounts when all of a sudden this person comes into my mind. So off I trot on a search to see if I can't track her down. Within seconds I've found her and within an hour our pages are connected. I haven't yet spoken to her but it got me to wondering whatever did happen to all the connections I once had.

I've led a very varied life for one so young, being a forces brat I've never really had the same sense of keeping connections as the majority of people. I suppose many would look at it as rude but I find it dreadfully difficult to keep up with people I no longer see on a regular basis. My friends in Cyprus; for instance, from most of whom I've not heard since my leaving are probably all in the same boat. In that lifestyle one must learn to forge very strong relationships very quickly - and that we did - but one also had to learn to get over those relationships very quickly when they were no longer in front of one's face. I understand it's a confusing concept but once one has lived it one gains a much better understanding of it.

Of course it goes without saying that I have many friends from my past with whom I shall never lose contact: H, A, F, R, G, of course the list continues to a great length but living in the present means that the friends I have surrounding me must be in the fore-front of my mind. I love everyone I've ever known very dearly and none will ever become victim to my ever-forgetting mind.

In lieu of being anywhere near the person I was speaking of before my transcendence into spiel I will have to hope our old relationship may be rebuilt in the cyber world. I can't wait to talk with her again; it has been far too long, she looks like life is treating her well.

That's it for today, friends, tomorrow the proverbial faecal matter is destined to hit the rotary cooling mechanism. Best of luck to you all should my ultimate demise be caused by the distress of my Loco Parenti.


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