Sunday 26 April 2009

Diary Entry Twelve: I F*****g Love Mash!

I just got back from S's.

You know what, screw it. I'm in love with her so she deserves to be known. S is called Squee, not her real name but it's what she's called.

So I just got back from Squee's. I wasn't expecting to spend today with her but it would appear that I did. I got a text earlier asking if I wante to join her on a quest to LIDL to buy Choco Softies (Mini Dickmans to anyone who's ever been to Germany). Anyway, I had to go and renew my Yound Person's Railcard but I told her I'd come over when I was done with that. So off to Ryde I went, then up to Squee's I went.

As per usual we kissed, hugged, all the wonderful couply stuff we should, then off to LIDL we went. We bought: Choco Softies, German peanut M&Ms, a lasagne, some mints for Minnie Moose and some Chewits.

On our way out we got a call from D, S and A. They wanted us to hang with them. We went home - I say home, I count Squee's house as my second home - ate the lasagne in front of Cartoon Network and then headed to play mini golf with the guys. We got to town, called them to ask why they weren't there and realised we were in the wrong town. Ten minutes drive later we were in the right place.

We played golf, flirted, I lost miserably; blatently bcause I wanted Squee to do better than me - OK, I'll admit I'm crap.

The rest of the day is history really and doesn't matter too much, we were together, two fated teenagers, in love, sharing dreams and plans. We named our kids... Eli Edward and Molly Mae.

I can't wait to spend forever with this girl.



Saturday 25 April 2009

Diary Entry Eleven: Interesting Couple of Days

OK. So I spent the night with Her Royal S-ness, the most perfect princes to ever the walk the earth. I generally spend a lot of time in her arms. We talk; we finish each other's sentences; we have heated debates about topics no-one really cares about; we make love, we eat, we sleep. Everything that makes our relationship perfect is the same stuff that makes us different to every other teenage couple. I'm only two months in and I see big things happening for us. Life could be interesting.

On a sadder note, I don't get to spend tonight with her but there are worse things in life. One of these such sad things is the fact that I left my retainer in her car. That's never good.

I've had my retainer for six months now. I've not had a full night's sleep for that time. It's not an issue though, on Tuesday I'm having a perminant wire put up there to hold them (them being my teeth) in place. This rocks because I won't have a lump of plastic in the arch of my mouth.

The cause of this trouble is a wonderful little thing called the sucking reflex. More to the point: my lack of losing it. That's right. I'm a thumb-sucker - the worst kind, in fact - I never lost my sucking reflex as I just wrote and as such will never grow out of sucking my thumb. Hence why my retainer has been such an issue. I'm not a bad sucker by the way. Not the kind that sits there at school sucking, it's only when I'm really really tired or ill. or upset, and just generally over relaxed or asleep.

It's a part of my life and I'm not ashamed of it.

Might be moving back to Germany again after the last job was axed. Fingers crossed.

Also, look out for Med. It's going to be interesting.



Friday 24 April 2009

Diary Entry Ten: The I Love Yous

So last night S and I went for a walk down Ryde sea front, because we're cool and romantic. It was two months since our first date yesterday and neither of us really noticed, well I noticed this morning, but it was a bit late by then.

Anyway yesterday the love really happened. Having been in love for nearly a week it seemed like it was about time I told her. She beat me to it. It's not like we didn't know it would happen, we've talked about being in love with one another before, but we wanted the moment to be perfect. It was.

I won't go into the gory details but it was beautiful.

Then we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Gorgeous night.



Tuesday 21 April 2009

Diary Entry Nine: Uh Ohhh

S has Swedish students at her house at the moment because of an exchange. She went out and had a beach party with them last night when I was at a Jim Davidson gig - which was awesome, by the way.
Anyway I got a message saying that we needed to set some ground rules. I'm not sure whether these are specific ground rules applying to like the swedish students or whether I'm doing something wrong.

Gonna go find out.

Missed photography this morning, Couldn't be bothered.

Time to see S and see what's happening.



Sunday 19 April 2009

Diary Entry Eight: Wow, Love.

Last night I spent the night with S. I fell in love. I've been in love before but this time I actually felt the sensation of it.

We were talking about ex partners. The moment I fell was when she turned to me and said:

'Being with you means; for the first time, I don't want to be with him instead'.

Needless to say I've never felt so flattered. I've never felt so... indescribably euphoric. A scene like the binary coding from The Matrix flowed before my eyes, except the numbers snapshots of time, every loving moment of my life. It was like scrolling down through a folder of photographs but seeing each one in it's entirity.

What can I say, I've fallen for her, it happened so quickly but the moment lasted as long as I slept aftwerwards.

After she said it she waited for what seemed like a lifetime for me to reply, it was; in fact, a few seconds, I simply positioned my head above hers on the pillow and kissed her in the most amazing moment I've had the honour to be a part of.




Saturday 18 April 2009

Diary Entry Seven: Put On Your Sunday Clothes

Hey there!
I'm totally as S's right now. It's totally win. She made it through and back from the The Prodigy gig. She had fun, y'know apart from puking and massive mosh-pit bruising.

S just got out of the shower, she doesn't smell like dirty and gig anymore, fruity.


I just found out she has WALL-E on dvd! WALL-E is my favourite film and my favourite ever character but I don't own it because I'm poor (yes, that's right, a poor photographer) so that's just made my day!

I'm gonna go ahead and watch it with my single most favourite girl; the most amazing and perfect person to ever walk the earth.

The possible love of my life.




Diary Entry Six: Saturday

Want to know how much work I got done yesterday? None. Yes, that's right, none. I opened up Photoshop to do some Media coursework and just ended up playing with it. That's life I suppose.

I'm really badly in the mood for playing Scrabble, I don't know why. But, then, I'm in a completely random mood anyway.

The clouds are burning off and my little island is sunny as it should be. It makes me wish I was out with a model and one of my cameras, in a field somewhere with some hay bails.

Ooh, gonna go cut the lawn.



Friday 17 April 2009

Diary Entry Five: How very annoying...

Today is one of those days. S is on her way to a Prodigy gig tonight, so I'm missing her. I have masses of work to do and I feel like my mum should explode.

It's mostly my mum that's annoying me to be honest. She moans that I don't involve her in my life enough and don't talk about stuff with her. So I go down stairs with a pad, a couple of pens and an armful of university prospectuses. I figured I may as well involve her in my university choices so that she doesn't feel left behind. Obviously little of what she would say would matter because I've pretty much made my decisions already, but I could let her feel like she has a bit of control.
Any way I go down and tell her that I want her help with picking my universities and; rather than the delighted reaction I was expecting, she shrugs me off saying she's busy.

I could understand it if she was actually busy but she was doing cross-stitch and watching Jeremy Kyle on TV.
She said she'd do it tomorrow. She can screw off, I gave her the chance. She threw it back in my face.

I could just be over reacting.

Anyway I finally got my P45 from The Bugle (pub I used to work in.) It's about time really, they dismissed me at the end of july and it was getting beyond a joke because I want my tax back. It was a bit of a battle to get hold of because they fiddle their books there and something tells me they weren't expecting me to still be after it this far down the line.
Now I just need a tax return form and I'll find myself £360 better off. Time to buy some new roller blades and headphones methinks. Might take S out for a meal too. Don't know yet.

I'm going to go do Media coursework!



Wednesday 15 April 2009

Diary Entry Four: Howdy Ya'll

Well, I guess I should have mentioned that I was going to Italy for a week. But it's too late now because I'm back and tanned.

Florence is a shithole. Beautiful but a shithole. By all means go there, just be prepared to shorten your life span by a few weeks in doing so. Venice was amazing, again one takes one's life into one's own hands for the duration of the trip and the forseeable shortening of life provides ample reason to keep the visit to a week. A word of warning, though: if you're looking for a decent bottle of Lemon Cello, don't look in Venice because you won't find it.

Anyway, I'm back in the country and busy preparing for my second run at AS level exams. I'm confident about them this time. Still got so much work to do. So much life to live too. One has to take the education system with a pinch of salt. Sadly I know this time next year I'll be thinking as naively as a lot of the second year Sixth Formers are at the moment. I'll be thinking that it's all over in a little over a month thn I can relax. Unfortunately after a second year of AS I have the wisdom to realise that this is a teeny tiny part of our lives and it gets a darn sight harder from here. No sense in telling the lambs; in spring, what fate the later seasons bring though.

I'm going to head off and get on with some work now, got three essays, two peices of coursework and an exam piece to finish for the 23rd.



Saturday 4 April 2009

Diary Entry Three: Average pre-spring break weekend?

OK, so after my major fail at writing a blog at shcool on thursday (I wrote it an then deleted it all instead of hitting publish) I've decided to go ahead and write one today instead.

So, it's Saturday. I got up at about ten to eight this morning; being a morning person is a bit of a sod sometimes - especially when you want a lay-in, anyway I went to town (yeah we have them here, who'd have thought) and headed over to the Carphone Warehouse to get a new contract, which I got, 350 minutes and unlimited texts @ £15/month, works for me. I headed over to the shops and bought some new shirts for next week then came home by around eleven.

I sat around for a bit after I got home, fed my snake, registered my new sim and had a chat with S. After that I attempted to go downstairs and put some washing on but the savagery between my parents was too much for me to bare so I didn't bother - God only knows what they're arguing about these days but; oh my Edward Cullen, I fear for their lives sometimes.
Mum went off to have her nails done so I went and put my washing in when she was out, then watched the last episode of Friends to cheer me up a bit.

S just bought her summer ball dress, this makes me happy because it's detailing is in kingfisher blue apparently; that's the colour of my eyes so thus far we're doing okay for looking like a couple.

That's it for now.


