Friday 17 April 2009

Diary Entry Five: How very annoying...

Today is one of those days. S is on her way to a Prodigy gig tonight, so I'm missing her. I have masses of work to do and I feel like my mum should explode.

It's mostly my mum that's annoying me to be honest. She moans that I don't involve her in my life enough and don't talk about stuff with her. So I go down stairs with a pad, a couple of pens and an armful of university prospectuses. I figured I may as well involve her in my university choices so that she doesn't feel left behind. Obviously little of what she would say would matter because I've pretty much made my decisions already, but I could let her feel like she has a bit of control.
Any way I go down and tell her that I want her help with picking my universities and; rather than the delighted reaction I was expecting, she shrugs me off saying she's busy.

I could understand it if she was actually busy but she was doing cross-stitch and watching Jeremy Kyle on TV.
She said she'd do it tomorrow. She can screw off, I gave her the chance. She threw it back in my face.

I could just be over reacting.

Anyway I finally got my P45 from The Bugle (pub I used to work in.) It's about time really, they dismissed me at the end of july and it was getting beyond a joke because I want my tax back. It was a bit of a battle to get hold of because they fiddle their books there and something tells me they weren't expecting me to still be after it this far down the line.
Now I just need a tax return form and I'll find myself £360 better off. Time to buy some new roller blades and headphones methinks. Might take S out for a meal too. Don't know yet.

I'm going to go do Media coursework!



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